Mission Statement
We are rethinking psychiatry, creating community, educating and activating for choices.
A special thanks to Robert Whitaker for his generosity of spirit and for the message of hope and possibilities that his work continues to inspire and support.
Rethinking Psychiatry is part of a larger movement working to promote healing and choices in and beyond our mental health care system. We are an all volunteer organization made up of people with lived experience, professionals, family members, and other allies. We receive no funding from, and do not promote, any religious organization, government entity, corporation, or drug company.
core team members
As of October 2018:
- Cindi Fisher
- Danielle Grondin
- David Potter
- Grace Silvia
- Kathie Nelson
- Kevin Fitts
- Linnea Stenhouse
- Rachel Levy
- Rene Bermudez
- Ricardo Lara
- Ron Hatteberg
- Sarah Smith
- Sharon Kuehn
- Vi Duong
- Zora Valusek
Contact us: RethinkingPsychiatry@gmail.com