2012 Symposium

Pictures from Rethinking Psychiatry’s 2012 Symposium

Photos by Oren Glick and Ron Hatteberg

Friday's keynote address and panel discussion

Friday night's keynote address and panel discussion


Saturday presentations and information tables

Saturday presentations and information tables





Jim Gottstein with members of planning committee

Keynote speaker, James Gottstein (center) of PsychRights, poses with members of the Rethinking Psychiatry planning committee


Rethinking Psychiatry discussion panel

Marcia Meyers of Rethinking Psychiatry, Beth Englander of Disabiltiy Rights Oregon, Jim Gottstein of PsychRights, Pamela Butler of Oregon Foster Youth Connection, Steve McCrea of CASA


MindFreedom International

Sarah Smith from MindFreedom International


Recovery Inc

Representatives providing information on Recovery Inc's cognitive-behavioral, peer-to-peer, self-help training system which helps individuals gain skills to lead more peaceful and productive lives.


Cindi Fisher of M.O.M.S.

Cindi Fisher, founder of the M.O.M.S. Movement


Miranda and crew from Occupy Portland preparing lunch

Miranda and her crew from Occupy Portland prepared and served lunch on Saturday.


Dorothy Rasche, RN explains celieac disease.

Dorothy Rasche, RN explains how celiac disease and gluten sensitivity are common undiagnosed conditions that can be the underlying cause of mental illness.


Disability Rights Oregon

Disability Rights Oregon provided information on the legal rights of people with disabilities.


Rethinking Psychiatry Planning Committee members

Marcia Meyers, Diana Ospina & Oren Glick of Rethinking Psychiatry


Oren Glick, Rethinking Psychiatry photographer and planning committee member

Oren Glick, Rethinking Psychiatry photographer and planning committee member


CCHR table

Steve Pearce of CCHR passing out information on informed consent and the side effects of psychiatric drugs.


Marcia Meyers

Marcia Meyers of Rethinking Psychiatry.