Healing Hearts, Minds and Bodies
Keys to Mental and Emotional Wellbeing and Pathways to Getting There
May 16-17, 2014
Rethinking Psychiatry 3rd Annual Symposium in partnership with the Chitari Collaborative Health Foundation
Presented by Rethinking Psychiatry and the Chitari Foundation
First Unitarian Church 1011 SW 12th Av, Portland, OR
Download flyer & Agenda People with lived experience, allies, and practitioners will come together to share expertise about holistic alternatives to drug-focused treatment, build a movement to create a community-driven recovery model of real choice, mutual help and fully-informed consent, and nurture relationships to sustain our work and spirits!
- Professional Continuing Education Credits
- Community Workshops
- Health Exhibit Fair
- Patron’s Event with Dr. Gordon for key sponsors and exhibitors
In addition to professional continuing education updates from professionals in this field, the symposium brings together the voices of those who have experienced challenges with our current mental health system, those who have questions about the options for care and support, and those who have found solutions and support from any variety of pharmaceutical, psychotherapeutic and complementary and alternative approaches to wellness. There will be time for networking with others and meeting with affinity groups.
Opening Speaker, Gayathri Ramprasad
Gayathri Ramprasad, is founder of ASHA International and the author of Shadows in the Sun: Healing from Depression and Finding the Light Within. Her own amazing recovery taught her the power of hope and holistic healing. Now, she shares that message with others as a mental health advocate. She has inspired and empowered thousands of audience members nationally, and internationally.
Keynote Speaker, Dr. James Gordon, MD

Dr. James S. Gordon, MD
“Drugs just address the symptoms, and they should be seen as a last resort rather than a first choice. When we experience the signs and symptoms of depression, it’s not the end point of a disease process, it’s a wake-up call that change is necessary, and we need to move on a healing journey.” James. S. Gordon, MD
Dr. James Gordon is a world leader in Mind-Body Medicine, Complementary and Alternative Medicine, and psychological trauma and healing. His seminal model for holistic healing from depression, Unstuck: Your Guide to the Seven Stage Journey Out of Depression, will be the subject of his keynote address. Dr. Gordon will also provide continuing education offerings at the symposium. Dr. Gordon, is the Founder and Director of The Center for Mind-Body Medicine; founding Dean of the College of Mind-Body Medicine at Saybrook University; a Clinical Professor in the Departments of Psychiatry and Family Medicine at Georgetown Medical School; and served as Chairman of the White House Commission on Complementary and Alternative Medicine Policy. He also served as the first Chair of the Program Advisory Council of the National Institutes of Health’s Office of Alternative Medicine and is a former member of the Cancer Advisory Panel on Complementary and Alternative Medicine of the NIH.