Monthly Archives: June 2012

MindFreedom launches “I Got Better” campaign

MindFreedom“I Got Better” is an ongoing project defying the all-too-common message that recovery from mental and emotional distress is impossible. The “I Got Better” campaign will make stories of recovery and hope in mental health widely available through a variety of media.

Your Participation Could Save a Life

Any and everybody with a stake in mental health in our society is welcome to participate, including people who have used mental health services, psychiatric survivors, as well as their friends, family members, colleagues, and mental health workers.  More information

The Relationship Between Medication and Veteran Suicide

Dr. Peter R. Breggin, MDDr. Peter Breggin, MD was asked to testify before the U.S. House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs on the link between antidepressants and suicide.  He provided a detailed analysis emphasizing the science that demonstrates a causal relationship between the newer antidepressants and the production of suicide, violence, mania and other behavioral abnormalities. He emhasized the considerable risk in giving these drugs to heavily armed young men and women.

The newer antidepressants frequently cause suicide, violence, and manic-like symptoms of activation or overstimulation, presenting serious hazards to active-duty soldiers who carry weapons under stressful conditions.  These antidepressant-induced symptoms of activation can mimic post-traumatic stress disorder, and are likely to worsen this common disorder in soldiers, increasing the hazard when they are prescribed to military personnel.  Antidepressants should not be prescribed to soldiers during or after deployment.

View video of Dr. Breggin’s testimony (26 min)

Written testimony: Antidepressant-Induced Suicide, Violence, and Mania: Risks for Military Personnel


Second Annual Symposium a Big Success!

Thank you to those who presented, volunteered and attended!

We want to share our deep appreciation for all who contributed to the amazing success of our May Symposium.  The two days provided a rich abundance of individuals, ideas and programs supporting a hopeful, humane and effective mental wellness model. With your support, this symposium has the potential to expand; bringing individuals and organizations together, educating, inspiring, and empowering a diverse range of stakeholders within Oregon’s mental wellness movement.

Friday's keynote address and panel discussion

Jim Gottstein delivers keynote address, follwed by panel discussion

Click here to enjoy more photographs from the symposium.