ISEPP announced it will hold its 19th annual conference in Portland, Oregon on October 7-9, 2016. The theme for the 2016 conference is “Individuals Matter: Building a Better Science for Psychology and Psychiatry“.

Chuck Ruby, PhD
According to ISEPP Director, Chuck Ruby, “The conference will address how traditional scientific methods and so-called “empirically-supported treatments” have failed to give useful information in helping those who struggle with very difficult life challenges. Because such science relies greatly on standardization, quantification, and nomothetic statistical analyses, the research results are based on and only apply to averages. They wash away the meaning of individual lives and turn people into caricatures. We need to bring the individual back to center stage.”
Up to 21 CEUs will be available for mental health professionals.
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ISEPP is a non-profit volunteer organization of mental health professionals, physicians, educators, ex-patients and survivors of the mental health system, and their families. Its mission is to use the standards of scientific inquiry to address the ethics of psychology and psychiatry. It does this by educating the public about the nature of “mental illness”, the de-humanizing and coercive aspects of many forms of mental health treatment, and the alternative humane ways of helping people who struggle with very difficult life issues.