The International Society for Ethical Psychology and Psychiatry will hold their annual conference October 28-29, 2023. The event will be live-streamed. From ISEPP’s website:
ISEPP’s annual conference is a time for practitioners, academicians, educators, lawyers, and those who have been harmed by the conventional mental health system to gather together in solidarity. It is a time for strengthening our bonds, sharing our work, and reaching out to others who haven’t yet heard our message. Our mission is to critique mainstream mental health professional practices that are based on a medical model, and explore alternative ways of helping people in distress without abandoning the cherished principles of informed consent and self-determination.
Speakers will include:
- David Healy, MD FRCPsych – Randomization Was Originally a Sign of Madness: What Are the Implications for Clinical Trials of Medicines?
- Arnold Cantu, LCSW – A Descriptive Problem-Based Taxonomy for Mental Health: A Nonmedicalized Way Out of the Psychiatric Model
- David Walker, PhD – The Yakama Twelve Virtues of ‘Good Growth’ and Their Relevance to Wellbeing
- Angie Peacock, MS – Recreating a Life Outside Mental Health Patienthood
- David Cohen, PhD & Joe Tarantolo, MD – Two Worlds In Dialogue: Comparing and Contrasting Perspectives between Psychiatry and Social Work
Earn up to 9.00 CE credit hours. More information can be found at https://app.ce-go.com/25th-annual-isepp-conference/home.