Monthly Archives: February 2014

Big Pharma buys influence in Oregon Legislature

phrmacashInformation just released by The Lund Report reveals that pharmaceutical companies spent nearly half a million dollars since 2011 to influence elections and legislation in the Oregon State Legislature.  Top donors to political campaigns include the world’s largest drug company, Pfizer (maker of Zoloft and Xanax), and Eli Lilly, the world’s largest manufacturer of psychiatric medications (maker of Prozac).

Recipients of Pharma campaign contributions include members of the Senate & House leadership, and members of key committees.  The report concludes Big Pharma got its money’s worth.   Read the full report here.


Ron Unger Seminars Rescheduled – Feb 21-22, 2014

Ron Unger LCSWDue to winter weather, the last two of Ron Unger’s seminar series at Portland State University have been rescheduled.

Mr. Unger is a licensed clinical social worker and therapist who works with people diagnosed with schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders, using a respectful and skill building approach called cognitive therapy for psychosis.  The seminars include:

February 21, 2014 – Exploring Ethical Dilemmas related to Diagnosis, Drugs, and other Possibly Iatrogenic Aspects of Mental Health Care

February 22, 2014 – Addressing Spiritual Issues Within Bipolar and Psychosis

These will be available to professionals for continuing education credit.  The above links will take you to pages with information on each course and an “add to cart” option that allows you to register.  The seminars will also be available to Portland State students for graduate credit as a package, under the course name “The Recovery Revolution in Mental Health: New Approaches for Serious Disorders.

For more information email 4ronunger at, or phone 541-513-1811.

Beyond Soteria Followup – Feb 19, 2014

Next Step Meeting – Financing & Participation

Beyond Soteria is a project of those interested in creating a place for withdrawing from psychiatric drugs and restoring wellness.

If you are curious, or interested in contributing ideas, support, finances, or just encouragement please join us this Wednesday, Feb 19,  6:00pm at the Portland Unitarian Church.  You can also participate in the meeting by phone.  Dial 712-775-7300, then enter 679963#.

Foster Youth & the Mental Health System – Feb 19, 2014

What works and what doesn’t?

A young person in foster care is 4.5 times more likely to be on psychotropic medications than youths not in foster care.  In some states, nearly 40% of all foster children are receiving psychotropic medications – often in doses higher than those recommended for adults.

Our featured guest speakers for February will include:

  • Stephen McCrea, Supervisor at the Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) for Children of Multnomah and Washington Counties
  • Pamela Butler, Program Director at the Oregon Foster Youth Connection
  • A panel of former foster youths advocating for change in the foster care system

Hear former foster youths tell about their experiences with the mental health system and foster care.  We hope you can join us to hear their stories, and to discuss how we can all better support this very vulnerable population.