Monthly Archives: August 2014

Ted Chabasinski – Aug 20, 2014

Ted Chabasinski, JD

Ted Chabasinski, JD

Note New Location! First Congregational Church, 1126 SW Park Ave., Portland, OR (in the downtown park blocks)

Wednesday, August 20th at 7pm

Join us for a very special summer Rethinking Psychiatry meeting.  We are excited to have Ted Chabasinski as our guest speaker!

Ted Chabasinski has been active in the psychiatric survivors movement since 1971. He was lead organizer of the 1982 campaign that successfully persuaded Berkeley voters to ban shock treatment in the city. Ted is known as a visionary, and an articulate, tough, and often witty speaker.

Now a patients’ rights lawyer, Ted was taken from his parents when he was 6-years old, experimented on with a course of electric shock treatments, and then sent to a state hospital for the rest of his childhood.  He writes about the power of psychiatry and how it is abused, especially against children.

Click here for directions

Cindi Fisher to present report to U.N. in Geneva

Cindi Fisher of MOMS

Cindi Fisher

Cindi Fisher, a member of the Rethinking Psychiatry core team and founder of the M.O.M.S. Movement, travels to Geneva, Switzerland this month.  Her report, “Forced Psychiatry and Psychiatric Abuse of African Americans”, will be presented to the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination.

Click here to read the report.

The report is the result of a collaboration with Tina Minkowitz and others.  Minkowitz, a well known human rights advocate and lawyer, is founder of the Center for the Human Rights of Users and Survivors of Psychiatry (CHRUSP).

As a representative of African Americans and the Disability Community, Cindi will be presenting the report and discussing its implications with UN representatives and other U.S. NGO’s.  The meetings are scheduled for August 10-15, 2014.

Please help!

This is a unique opportunity to make a lasting impact.  Cindi’s trip will cost several thousand dollars.  Money is needed to cover expenses.  Please join Rethinking Psychiatry, the U.S. Human Rights Network, NAACP and others who have donated to help cover expenses.

Any amount is appreciated.  All funds above the actual cost of the trip will be used to cover the cost of printing and distribution of the report at the U.N. and in the U.S. Click button below to donate through PayPal. You do not need a PayPal account. For more information, call Cindi at 360-798-6855.