Monthly Archives: February 2015

A Critical Look at Electroshock Treatment

Electroshock ECTNASW CEU-Logo100x100

May 20, 2015

1.5 clinical practice CEUs;
& 0.5 ethics CEUs from NASW

Rethinking Psychiatry presents electroshock survivors Deborah Schwartzkopff and Jason Kalendak as they open to view this highly controversial psychiatric treatment.

In this powerful presentation, you will:

  • Relate signs/symptoms of electroshock with what survivors live with
  • Learn who is most impacted by electroshock
  • Recognize the ethical and human-rights concerns around informed consent & coercive treatment
  • Identify alternatives to electroshock.

DeborahSchwartzkopff100Deborah Schwartzkopff worked 25 years as a Registered Nurse.  She survived 66 bilateral electroshock treatments at local hospitals.  She has been an activist since 2011, and founded ECTJustice, an electroshock survivors group.


Postpartum Depression: An Epidemic of the 21st Century?

NASW CEU-Logo100x100

1.5 clinical practice CEUs from NASW

Would you be surprised to learn that postpartum depression is  practically unknown in certain cultures?

Virginia Elliott, CD PCD (DONA), examines:

  • What is “Postpartum Depression”?
  • How do different cultures support new mothers worldwide?
  • What is the impact of family, community & societal support on moms’ mental health?
  • What about medical treatment when social support is lacking?
  • How can new moms and babies thrive in the 21st Century?

Virginia L. Elliott, BA, has extensive professional training and expertise in birth trauma, postpartum depression, and domestic violence during pregnancy and new parenthood. She has personal experience of postpartum depression with her youngest son.

Ms. Elliott is an Internationally Certified Birth and Postpartum Doula (DONA International); certified by the International Center for Traditional Childbearing (12 years); and a La Leche League International Leader (14 years).

When: Wednesday, April 15, 2015; 6:45 PM
Where: National College of Natural Medicine (NCNM)

Peer Support Groups: Where the Power is at!

Recovery InternationalMarch 18, 2015

1.5 clinical practice CEUsNASW CEU-Logo100x100 from NASW


  • Learn about Recovery International & other peer support options available in Portland.
  • Understand, from first-hand experience, what makes peer support groups such powerful tools for recovery.
  • Find out how to access the groups and take home peer-created recovery information.

When: Wednesday, March 18, 6:45 PM
Where: National College of Natural Medicine (NCNM)

We Survived “ADHD” Without Drugs!

1.5 CEUs from NASW

Rethinking Psychiatry presents Steve McCrea, MS, author and child advocate, for an interactive evening as he shares his journey raising active, intense, challenging children to adulthood.

Steve will provide perspectives based on personal and professional experience (including scientific research) on challenging questions like:

  • What exactly is meant by “ADHD”?
  •  Is it really a “mental disorder?” Or what is it?
  •  Does stimulant treatment make things better or worse in the long term?
  •  What else can be done to help our active, intense and adventurous children to thrive?

When: Wednesday, February 18, 7:00 PM
Where: First Congregational Church, Portland, OR