The Creative and Healing Process of Making Art
Presented by Wendy March Mailho-Shields of Claudiabelle Studio
Art Therapist, Para-Educator, Person with Lived Experience
- Explore your inside world through making art!
- Create who you can become!
- Make your mask for Halloween!
- Materials supplied!

Wendy March Mailho-Shields
The process of art making is as personal as ones spiritual quest. There is no right or wrong way, there is only me, making art ~ vision, composition, design, line, paint, color, mixing, brush, strokes, defining, layers, re-claiming, struggle, letting go, stepping back, returning, push it, over the edge, bring it back, take a break, try it again, recognize it’s a process, grow, learn, accept, it’s only art Art, parallel to life’s process ~ exploring and discovering the worst and best in ourselves. Designing our internal house with the knowledge of who we are, and hopefully manifesting, who we can become.
Wednesday, October 4th, 2017, 7 – 9 PM
Unite Oregon
700 N. Killingsworth St., Portland, OR
(across from PCC Cascade Campus)
Click here for map
FREE! (Donations Welcome $0 – $20 suggested)
For questions, contact