Wednesday, December 4, 2019
John Herold, MA presents:
I’m Crazy Because They Say So:
Gaslighting in “Mental Health”
- Diagnosis: useful or manipulative?
- Gaslighting techniques
- How to fight them

John Herold, MA is a speaker, facilitator and trainer from Gig Harbor, Washington. He has experienced altered and extreme states of consciousness and was involuntarily hospitalized in 2012. John is the founder of Puget Sound Hearing Voices, now in its fifth year of weekly meetings. He is passionate about spreading non-pathologizing ways of understanding experiences that often get called mental illness. John completed a master’s program in Process Work in 2017 and is the recipient of a grant from the Foundation for Excellence in Mental Health Care to support the growth of the Hearing Voices Network in the Pacific Rim. Learn more about John’s work at www.johnherold.net and www.pugetsoundhearingvoices.org.
Wednesday, December 4, 2019, 7-9 PM
232 SE 80th Avenue, Portland, OR 97215
(Montavilla United Methodist Church)
FREE! (Donations Welcome $0 – $20 suggested)
Refreshments will be provided, including
plenty of vegan and gluten-free options!
For questions contact: RethinkingPsychiatry@gmail.com or message us on our Facebook Page.
Click here to download flyer. Click here to download handbills.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Watch the film that inspired the term “gaslighting:” Gaslight (1944)

FREE POPCORN provided!
Wednesday, November 6, 2019, 7-9 PM
232 SE 80th Avenue, Portland, OR 97215
(Montavilla United Methodist Church)
Click here to download flyer. Click here to download handbills.
FREE! (Donations Welcome $0 – $20 suggested)
Refreshments will be provided, including
plenty of vegan and gluten-free options!