Author Archives: Ron

Right to Dream Too (R2D2) – Oct 21, 2015

R2D2 Right to Dream Too

Rethinking Psychiatry presents

Mental Health, Houselessness & Making a Home

Ptery LeightPtery Leight of Right to Dream Too (R2D2) will discuss:

  • How houselessness can lead to mental health challenges
  • How mental health challenges can lead to houselessness
  • How R2D2 approaches mental health crisis
  • Redefining mental health and home

$10 suggested donation. No one turned away for lack of funds.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015
National College of Natural Medicine (NCNM)
049 SW Porter St. Portland

Weds, Sept 16 – eCPR: Emotional CPR

eCPR - Emotional CPR

Rethinking Psychiatry Presents

A Preview of eCPR

eCPR is a form of heart-to-heart connection for emotional resuscitation.  eCPR is part of an international movement developed by peers.  It is trauma-informed and based on the values of a healthy community.

Become a first responder to people in emotional crisis!

Preview presenters:

  • Fawn Preston, Certified eCPR Trainer
  • Miranda Lovelong, Mental Health Life Coach, Certified eCPR Facilitator
  • John Herold, Director, Puget Sound Hearing Voices, Certified eCPR Facilitator
Wednesday,  September 16, 2015
National College of Natural Medicine (NCNM)
049 SW Porter St, Portland

Hearing Voices Group Facilitation Training

Presented by Portland Hearing Voices & HVN USA

June 2nd, 3rd & 4th, 2015

phvtraining600In this 3-day training, voice hearers and people who experience other extreme/altered states come together with people who have not experienced these states. The result is a powerful, diversified environment for learning, and a solid foundation for setting up and facilitating groups. Peers, professionals and allies are welcome: priority to those committed to creating a group.

This Hearing Voices Facilitators Training, presented by Oryx Cohen and Kate Hill, will give you the skills and knowledge to run Hearing Voices and Extreme States support groups!

Hearing Voices Groups (also called Voices, Visions and Extreme States groups) are a peer-led place to share and explore voices and any other kind of unusual and extreme experience, in a supportive and non-judgmental atmosphere. These states are sometimes labeled psychosis, but HVN embraces a much wider view of human possibility.

To receive an application, please email k8hill1 Applications due 4/17/15, selected trainees will be notified by 5/15/15.

Cost: $300 (Please let us know if you need financial assistance). Trainees are responsible for their own travel, lodging and meals.

Location: Portland, OR (specific location to be determined)

A Critical Look at Electroshock Treatment

Electroshock ECTNASW CEU-Logo100x100

May 20, 2015

1.5 clinical practice CEUs;
& 0.5 ethics CEUs from NASW

Rethinking Psychiatry presents electroshock survivors Deborah Schwartzkopff and Jason Kalendak as they open to view this highly controversial psychiatric treatment.

In this powerful presentation, you will:

  • Relate signs/symptoms of electroshock with what survivors live with
  • Learn who is most impacted by electroshock
  • Recognize the ethical and human-rights concerns around informed consent & coercive treatment
  • Identify alternatives to electroshock.

DeborahSchwartzkopff100Deborah Schwartzkopff worked 25 years as a Registered Nurse.  She survived 66 bilateral electroshock treatments at local hospitals.  She has been an activist since 2011, and founded ECTJustice, an electroshock survivors group.


Postpartum Depression: An Epidemic of the 21st Century?

NASW CEU-Logo100x100

1.5 clinical practice CEUs from NASW

Would you be surprised to learn that postpartum depression is  practically unknown in certain cultures?

Virginia Elliott, CD PCD (DONA), examines:

  • What is “Postpartum Depression”?
  • How do different cultures support new mothers worldwide?
  • What is the impact of family, community & societal support on moms’ mental health?
  • What about medical treatment when social support is lacking?
  • How can new moms and babies thrive in the 21st Century?

Virginia L. Elliott, BA, has extensive professional training and expertise in birth trauma, postpartum depression, and domestic violence during pregnancy and new parenthood. She has personal experience of postpartum depression with her youngest son.

Ms. Elliott is an Internationally Certified Birth and Postpartum Doula (DONA International); certified by the International Center for Traditional Childbearing (12 years); and a La Leche League International Leader (14 years).

When: Wednesday, April 15, 2015; 6:45 PM
Where: National College of Natural Medicine (NCNM)

Peer Support Groups: Where the Power is at!

Recovery InternationalMarch 18, 2015

1.5 clinical practice CEUsNASW CEU-Logo100x100 from NASW


  • Learn about Recovery International & other peer support options available in Portland.
  • Understand, from first-hand experience, what makes peer support groups such powerful tools for recovery.
  • Find out how to access the groups and take home peer-created recovery information.

When: Wednesday, March 18, 6:45 PM
Where: National College of Natural Medicine (NCNM)

We Survived “ADHD” Without Drugs!

1.5 CEUs from NASW

Rethinking Psychiatry presents Steve McCrea, MS, author and child advocate, for an interactive evening as he shares his journey raising active, intense, challenging children to adulthood.

Steve will provide perspectives based on personal and professional experience (including scientific research) on challenging questions like:

  • What exactly is meant by “ADHD”?
  •  Is it really a “mental disorder?” Or what is it?
  •  Does stimulant treatment make things better or worse in the long term?
  •  What else can be done to help our active, intense and adventurous children to thrive?

When: Wednesday, February 18, 7:00 PM
Where: First Congregational Church, Portland, OR

The Economics of Happiness
an international conference

The Economics of Happiness ConferenceFeb 27 – Mar 1
1211 SW Main St
Portland, OR

Rethinking Psychiatry is proud to partner with the International Society for Ecology and Culture this weekend to promote the annual ‘Economics of Happiness Conference’.

The organizers of this conference share our belief that the current global economy is causing thousands of individuals to be depressed and disempowered. Pills and psychiatric labels are not the answer for disempowerment! Organizing is the answer!

Join Rethinking Psychiatry and other activists this weekend for an uplifting message of hope and a roadmap on how to re-envision our communities so people are supported and uplifted, not diagnosed and oppressed!

Click here for more information

Returning Veterans Project Film Screening

Returning Veterans Project

Returning Veterans Project

The Returning Veterans Project presents

Is Anybody Listening?

A New Documentary by Dr. Paula Caplan

Thursday, February 26, 2015
Tabor Space: 5441 SE Belmont St. Portland, OR
Doors open at 5:30 pm
Film begins at 6:00 pm
Q&A at 7:30 pm
Workshop 7:45 to 9:00 pm

Suggested Donation: $10.  No one turned away who can’t pay

Dr. Caplan’s documentary will take us on her journey to bridge what has been called an “epidemic of disconnection” between civilians and veterans. After the film, Dr. Caplan will host a 15-minute Q&A session and then an hour long workshop on: What veterans want and how community members can learn to listen to their stories, participate in their various struggles and gain a deeper awareness of the meaning of war, the realities of military life and how it is to return home.

For more information about this event please contact:

Returning Veterans Project
503-954-2259 or

Spiritual Crisis & Spiritual Transformation – Dec 17, 2014

Exploring the Link Between Madness, Spiritual Awakening & Mental Health

spiritual emergencyPresented by Harriet Cooke, MD, MPH and Miranda Lovelong

Wednesday, December 17, 2014
First Congregational Church, Portland OR

For those who were unable to join us on December 17, the radioplay by Harriet Cooke & Miranda Lovelong and the presentation by Harriet Cooke can be downloaded below.

Spiritual development is a lifelong process and can be a great resource for health. And sometimes periods of significant transformation can be accompanied by a mental health crisis. Join Rethinking Psychiatry for a presentation and discussion on “Spiritual Emergency.”

Drawing on both research and deep personal experiences, Harriet and Miranda will walk us through discussion of: Crises that often precede spiritual awakening, Crises caused by spiritual awakening, Phases of the process of spiritual awakening, how to support the process and each other to move through these periods with the greatest grace and ease, and the place of spiritual emergence in personal and global health.

Spiritual Emergency – a Radio Play

Spiritual Crisis, Emergence, and Mental Health