Peer Warmline to Crisis Hotline: What Can I Expect?
Presented by Sharon Kuehn & Rachel Levy
- Warmline vs Hotline: Which should I use?
- What are my rights when I call a crisis line?
- How does peer support differ from crisis services?

Sharon Kuehn
Sharon Kuehn leads the David Romprey Oregon Warmline and the new Oregon Senior Peer Outreach Service for Community Counseling Solutions. Both programs are firmly rooted in the practice of Intentional Peer Support (IPS). Sharon facilitates IPS training and serves as an advocate for Peer Delivered Services on the Oregon Consumer Advisory Council (OCAC). Sharon is also passionate about the healing power of nature and working to create new structures for our human family to find balance with nature, which she explores at

Rachel Levy
Rachel Levy is a social worker who works for a crisis line in Portland. She has always been passionate about social justice issues, and she believes strongly in the need for more person-centered and holistic options for mental health care. Rachel has been a member of Rethinking Psychiatry for 8 years. She has written several articles for Mad in America, including this one: And They Said it Wouldn’t Last – Rethinking Psychiatry Celebrates its 7th Year
Wednesday, October 3, 2018, 7-9 PM
Unite Oregon
700 N. Killingsworth St., Portland, OR
For questions, contact or message us on our Facebook Page.