Finding Meaning and a Path to Recovery
When people hear distressing voices or become lost in an altered sense of reality, it’s easy to feel helpless, especially if drugs don’t work very well or don’t feel acceptable. But new, practical methods are emerging that help people to make sense of these experiences, and to regain control of their lives.

Ron Unger, LCSW
Ron Unger, LCSW will introduce some of these approaches, drawing from his work as a therapist specializing in CBT for Psychosis and as a facilitator of Hearing Voices groups.
Thursday, March 15, 2018, 7 – 9 PM
Unite Oregon
700 N. Killingsworth St., Portland, OR
(across from PCC Cascade Campus)
Click here for map
FREE! (Donations Welcome $0 – $20 suggested)
For questions, contact