Ideas for New Location?, National Speaker Wednesday, and More
Summer greetings! Hope you have been feeling the joy of the sunshine and the summer breezes with our beautiful Northwest summer. Thanks for the trees and water and sun!
Rethinking Psychiatry is relocating and you may know the perfect place!
We are becoming independent of the parent organization that supported our creation and early development. We cannot thank the Economic Justice Action Committee of the First Unitarian Church enough for all of its support in these first four years and for all of its other social justice work.
We are looking for a centrally located, low-cost or free meeting space for our monthly events (20-50 people). We are following all creative leads and need your help. Please send your ideas and contacts to
National Speaker Ted Chabasinski, Wednesday, August 20 at 7 pm
Note location: First Congregational Church
On August 20th, we will host Ted Chabasinski, J.D., patient rights lawyer and advocate for children in the mental health system. Ted was lead organizer of the 1982 campaign that persuaded Berkeley voters to ban shock treatment in that city. He is a visionary and an articulate, tough and often witty speaker. We will meet at the First Congregational Churchon 1126 SW Park Ave. Click here for details. See you Wednesday at 7!
Is it time to get more involved? We want you!
We have a respectful, warm, thoughtful, and passionate core group that developed over three years of working together, but we would be a stronger group with you! Please consider becoming more involved! We recognize that Rethinking Psychiatry should be lead by the people most affected by these issues, so peers and people of color are especially encouraged. If you are interested, contact us at Our next planning meeting will be September 10th.
Thank you!
Thank you for your tremendous support and participation at our Spring symposium, and especially for the invaluable feedback. The Core Team has been enjoying a little summer breather since then, while assimilating feedback from the symposium and building our foundation for the coming year. Toward this end, we are focusing on developing the organization to better meet our goal: helping to create a more effective, safe, compassionate, and hopeful mental health system.
In gratitude for our connections and our deeply meaningful work together!
Harriet, Grace, Marcia, Ron, Cindi, Sarah, Steve & Ricardo