Wednesday, June 3rd, 2020, 7-9pm on Zoom!

Laura Rose and Kevin Fitts introduce us to the galaxy of peer support and wellness events in the Peer Galaxy website!
Who is Peer Galaxy for? Anyone seeking recovery from pandemic stress, emotional distress, grief, mental health, addictions, co-occurring substance use challenges and/or trauma.
“We’re here when you need us, in real time, with free activities around the clock!”
Connecting with an individual having lived experience who can listen, understand, relate to and grow with us wherever we are in our journey is what we call PEER SUPPORT.
Peer Galaxy is brand new and already in April 2020 the PeerGalaxy Calendar featured:
* 1,500+ opportunities,
* 50+ per day on average,
* including 9 telephone peer support lines
* operating up to 17 hours per day,
* 7 days per week,
* 18 hours per day, from 6am – 12am,
* some organizations employing dozens of peer support specialists at once,
* all accessibility friendly with their new accessibility tool!
Visit the PEERGALAXY CALENDAR to find live telephone and online peer support, virtual groups, special events and wellness activities almost any time of the day–and if there is nothing live, there are videos you can access. Also check out the COVID-19 RESOURCES.
A small sample of PeerGalaxy events include support groups, chair yoga, Tai-Chi, breathwork, guided art, ecstatic dance, and the Surviving Race Project-at the Intersection of Injustice, Disability and Human Rights.

Laura Rose
Laura Rose is a lady of many hats with a long career of providing creative and technical business services in the public and private sector. Developer of PeerGalaxy, Laura Rose has served as a consultant for many of Oregon’s peer run organizations, programs, and other nonprofits at the local, statewide, national and international level. She has been recognized as a dedicated consumer and family advocate who informs public policy, budgeting, and systems improvement at every level.

Kevin Fitts
In addition to his responsibilities as Executive Director of the Oregon Mental Health Consumers Association (OMHCA), Kevin Fitts serves on the State of Oregon Consumer Advisory Council (OCAC), State of Oregon Addictions and Mental Health Planning and Advisory Committee (AMHPAC), Unity Center for Behavioral Health Advisory Committee, Multnomah County Adult Mental Health and Substance Abuse Advisory Council Executive Committee (AMHSAAC), and “A Home for Everyone” Coordinating Council. There are other committees and boards, too, but you get the general idea. Kevin has a lot of energy and a lot of knowledge from a variety of roles in mental health services over the years.
Streamed Live!
There will NOT be an in-person meeting this month.
We are truly sorry.
Please take care of yourself and each other.
Wednesday, June 3, 2020, 7-9 PM
Rethinking Psychiatry will livestream this event starting Wednesday, June 3, 7-9pm, and will post the recording on Rethinking Psychiatry’s YouTube channel, website and FB after.
TO ATTEND LIVE: there is NO NEED to sign up for a Zoom account (but you can and it is free).
(It only takes a couple of minutes.)
You will be directed there once you click the “HERE” link, below.
- Participants’ names will be viewable to one another for the live event. If you do not want your name seen, sign up with a pen name (ex. Happy Camper, or Lucky Dog) or “rename” yourself (click on the participant list once in the event).
- Participants will enter the event with their videos turned off, and have the choice to keep them off to remain anonymous to one another for the live event, OR turn them on and be seen by one another.
- NO PARTICIPANTS will be seen on the recording that we will post either way.
- Participants can submit questions by chat if they don’t want to be heard on the recording OR “raise their hand” and we will unmute them to ask a question.
To join the event (we recommend doing this a few minutes early):
Click HERE to join via internet on any device with internal or external webcam and mic.
Meeting ID: 881 7564 1129
Paasword: 410117
Call 253-215-8782 to join by phone in OR or WA, audio only.
(For numbers for other locations, click HERE.)
Meeting ID: 881 7564 1129
Paasword: 410117
We are NOT gathering at the Montavilla United Methodist Church building, due to COVID-19. We are so sorry we will miss you there.
We will have the recording up for viewing after the presentation.
For questions contact: or message us on our Facebook Page.
Click here to download flyer.