Author Archives: Ron

Oppression, Resistance & Mental Health – Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Leah Harris

Leah Harris
Psychiatric abuse survivor

Rethinking Psychiatry presents a playing of Will Hall’s interview with Leah Harris on Madness Radio.  “Survivor Spoken Word” is powerful and provocative.

Leah Harris is a leading voice in survivor activism. She is a mother, survivor, and a storyteller working for cultural shift in how we understand and respond to emotional distress, mental health, trauma, addiction, homelessness, incarceration, and suicide. She believes in redefining health as a social justice issue.

Come listen together, then join in the discussion with other survivors, users and providers of psychiatry, family and caring community.

Networking afterwards for activism around mental health.

Wednesday, May 3, 2017,  7 – 9 PM
Unite Oregon, 700 N. Killingsworth St., Portland, OR

Healing Voices – Wednesday, April 5, 2017


Join us Wednesday, April 5, 2017 for a screening of the movie, HEALING VOICES.

HEALING VOICES is a new feature-length documentary which explores the experiences commonly labeled as “psychosis” or “mental illness” through the real-life stories of individuals working to overcome extreme mental states, and integrate these experiences into their lives in meaningful ways.

The film follows three subjects – Oryx, Jen, and Dan – over a period of nearly five years and features interviews with many notable personalities, including: Robert Whitaker, Dr. Bruce Levine, Will Hall,  Dr. Marius Romme, and others, on the history of psychiatry and the rise of the “medical model” of mental health treatment.

Wednesday, April 5, 2017,  7-9 PM
Unite Oregon, 700 N. Killingsworth St., Portland, OR

“Heartbeats of Hope” Book talk by Author Daniel Fisher, Monday, April 3, 2017

Heartbeats of HopePsychiatrist & author Daniel Fisher, MD, will be in Portland April 3, 2017 to talk about his new book, “Heartbeats of Hope, The Empowerment Way to Recover Your Life“.

Daniel Fisher MD, PhD

Daniel Fisher MD, PhD

While carrying out neurochemical research at NIMH, Fisher was diagnosed with “schizophrenia.” He recovered, and to humanize the mental health system obtained an MD and completed psychiatric training. He worked for 25 years as a community psychiatrist, founded the National Empowerment Center, was a member of the New Freedom Commission on Mental Health, and is Chair of the Board of the National Coalition for Mental Health Recovery.

Dr. Fisher is presently on the faculty of U. Massachusetts Dept. of Psychiatry, where he is helping to adapt Open Dialogue to the US. He helped peers in Louisiana respond to hurricane Katrina, and based on those experiences he helped develop Emotional CPR.

“I hope for a day when:

Every person who experiences extreme emotional states is engaged in respectful, hopeful, humanistic, and empowering relationships that enable them to heal and recover full, meaningful lives in the community.

Instead of being seen as threats to society, we will be seen as a source of wisdom that we have obtained through our recovery.

Practices like Open Dialogue will eliminate the long-term iatrogenic effects of a prophesy of doom and lifelong illness.

Suffering will be seen as an understandable human response to trauma rather than a chemical imbalance or a defective fear circuit.

Voluntary, community-based, recovery-oriented, culturally-attuned, trauma-informed services and housing will replace psychiatric hospitals.

The mental health system will be run by persons with lived experience of recovery from extreme emotional states.

Everyone will learn how to assist each other through extreme emotional states by learning communication skills such as Emotional CPR.”

Monday, April 3rd, 2017, 7:00 to 9:00 PM
Montavilla United Methodist Church
232 SE 80th Ave, Portland, Oregon

Truth & Reconciliation – March 1, 2017

Truth and Reconciliation

The M.O.M.S. Movement, Rethinking Psychiatry,
& The Icarus Project present

Truth & Reconciliation:
A Time for Community Healing

Receivers & Givers of psychiatric treatment & mental health care share their stories encircled by the community.  Join us for our 3rd Truth & Reconciliation event!

Come listen…
Come tell your story…

When we live in a community where we listen to each other’s true stories, we remember our capacity to lean in and love each other back to wholeness. ~Christina Baldwin

Wednesday, March 1,   6-9 PM
Unite Oregon, 700 N. Killingsworth St., Portland Oregon

More on Truth & Reconciliation

February 16, 2017 – Street Roots News: Rethinking Psychiatry Returns with ‘Truth & Reconciliation‘, by Rachel Levy LCSW.
March 10, 2016 – Street Roots News : Truth & Reconciliation in Psychiatric, Mental Health Services, by Rachel Levy, LCSW.
May 14, 2016 – Mad in America Initiatives: Truth and Reconciliation: An Evening of Sharing and Healing, by Rachel Levy, LCSW.
May 25, 2016 – KBOO Radio: Truth & Reconciliation in Mental Health. Host, Paul Roland, interviews Cindi Fisher, Ptery Lieght, & Grace Silvia, facilitators of first Truth & Reconciliation. (Click the play button at the bottom of the article).

Holistic Alternatives – Feb 1, 2017

Focusing on the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)

Does trauma keep you from achieving your goals?
Do fear, hopelessness or apathy garble your thinking, diminish your energy,
or keep you chronically anxious or withdrawn?

Drawing on research, personal and professional experiences,  Harriet will guide us through an understanding of  subtle energy therapies that help transform
entrenched emotions and triggers from the personal to political.

Come learn about and practice this effective and empowering healing tool!

Harriet Cooke, MD, MPH

Presented by Harriet Cooke, MD, MPH, ABIHM, DEHP
Wednesday, February 1st,   7-9 pm
Unite Oregon
700 N. Killingsworth St., Portland

Superpowers & Successes! January 4, 2017

What are labeled “mental illnesses” can be dangerous gifts

“Depression” can be a source of deep empathy.
“Mania” can be a window into spiritual wisdom and creative genius.
“Schizophrenia” can be access to information unknowable by ordinary means.

  • How did you shift from “symptom” to “superpower”?
  • How do you use your superpowers”
  • How do you keep yourself well while embracing your gifts?

What’s your superpower?

Come and share your story and be inspired by others!

Note: Rethinking Psychiatry monthly meetings are now on the 1st Wednesday of each month.

Wednesday, January 4,  7-9 pm
Unite Oregon, 700 N. Killingsworth St.,  Portland, Oregon


Photo credit: “S is for Superman” by Xurble is licensed with CC BY 2.0.

December Potluck & Planning Meeting – December 7, 2016

Join us for our December potluck & planning meeting.  Following the success of our November meeting, we will continue planning our activities for 2017.

Your input is important!

Please take this 5 minute survey and tell us what Rethinking Psychiatry topics and activities are important to you.  Click here

Note: Rethinking Psychiatry monthly meetings are now on the 1st Wednesday of each month.

Wednesday, December 7,  7-9 pm
Unite Oregon, 700 N. Killingsworth St.,  Portland, Oregon

Rethinking Psychiatry Harvest Potluck, Nov 16, 2016

Join us this coming Wednesday for a potluck and our November meeting!

  • Harvesting Ideas for the Upcoming Year
  • Putting by community Talents & Efforts
  • Sharing the Bounty of What We Create Together

Wednesday, November 16,  7-9 pm
Unite Oregon, 700 N. Killingsworth St.,  Portland, Oregon

ISEPP Conference in Portland – Oct 7-9, 2016

ISEPPISEPP announced it will hold its 19th annual conference in Portland, Oregon on October 7-9, 2016.  The theme for the 2016 conference is “Individuals Matter: Building a Better Science for Psychology and Psychiatry“.

Chuck Ruby, PhD

Chuck Ruby, PhD

According to ISEPP Director, Chuck Ruby, “The conference will address how traditional scientific methods and so-called “empirically-supported treatments” have failed to give useful information in helping those who struggle with very difficult life challenges. Because such science relies greatly on standardization, quantification, and nomothetic statistical analyses, the research results are based on and only apply to averages. They wash away the meaning of individual lives and turn people into caricatures. We need to bring the individual back to center stage.”

Up to 21 CEUs will be available for mental health professionals.

Use these links for additional information:

ISEPP is a non-profit volunteer organization of mental health professionals, physicians, educators, ex-patients and survivors of the mental health system, and their families.  Its mission is to use the standards of scientific inquiry to address the ethics of psychology and psychiatry. It does this by educating the public about the nature of “mental illness”, the de-humanizing and coercive aspects of many forms of mental health treatment, and the alternative humane ways of helping people who struggle with very difficult life issues.

MindFreedom Conference – Oct 7, 2016


Creative Revolution: Outside the Medical Model

An Intensive All-Day Conference to Promote Alternative Approaches and Celebrate Individual Strategies for Growth & Recovery

Learn from experts about:

  • Intentional Peer Support
  • Hearing Voices Network
  • Sunrise Center on Psychiatric Drug Withdrawal
  • Open Dialogue
  • Soteria –type Sanctuary Houses

Keynote:  Jim Gottstein of the Law Project for Psychiatric Rights (PsychRights)

This conference is in conjunction with International Society for Ethical Psychology and Psychiatry (ISEPP)
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