Author Archives: Ron

Ron Unger Seminars Rescheduled – Feb 21-22, 2014

Ron Unger LCSWDue to winter weather, the last two of Ron Unger’s seminar series at Portland State University have been rescheduled.

Mr. Unger is a licensed clinical social worker and therapist who works with people diagnosed with schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders, using a respectful and skill building approach called cognitive therapy for psychosis.  The seminars include:

February 21, 2014 – Exploring Ethical Dilemmas related to Diagnosis, Drugs, and other Possibly Iatrogenic Aspects of Mental Health Care

February 22, 2014 – Addressing Spiritual Issues Within Bipolar and Psychosis

These will be available to professionals for continuing education credit.  The above links will take you to pages with information on each course and an “add to cart” option that allows you to register.  The seminars will also be available to Portland State students for graduate credit as a package, under the course name “The Recovery Revolution in Mental Health: New Approaches for Serious Disorders.

For more information email 4ronunger at, or phone 541-513-1811.

Beyond Soteria Followup – Feb 19, 2014

Next Step Meeting – Financing & Participation

Beyond Soteria is a project of those interested in creating a place for withdrawing from psychiatric drugs and restoring wellness.

If you are curious, or interested in contributing ideas, support, finances, or just encouragement please join us this Wednesday, Feb 19,  6:00pm at the Portland Unitarian Church.  You can also participate in the meeting by phone.  Dial 712-775-7300, then enter 679963#.

Foster Youth & the Mental Health System – Feb 19, 2014

What works and what doesn’t?

A young person in foster care is 4.5 times more likely to be on psychotropic medications than youths not in foster care.  In some states, nearly 40% of all foster children are receiving psychotropic medications – often in doses higher than those recommended for adults.

Our featured guest speakers for February will include:

  • Stephen McCrea, Supervisor at the Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) for Children of Multnomah and Washington Counties
  • Pamela Butler, Program Director at the Oregon Foster Youth Connection
  • A panel of former foster youths advocating for change in the foster care system

Hear former foster youths tell about their experiences with the mental health system and foster care.  We hope you can join us to hear their stories, and to discuss how we can all better support this very vulnerable population.

Beyond Soteria – Jan. 15, 2014

Creating a Place for Withdrawing from Psychiatric Drugs & Restoring Wellness

Cindi Fisher, Founder of the M.O.M.S. Movement, and Grace Silvia, who worked at Soteria Alaska, will share their vision for a place for withdrawing from psychiatric drugs and restoring wellness.  They invite people who have come off meds, people who want to come off meds, family, friends and allies to share their experiences and build a common vision to take this dream into action!


Dr. Satya Ambrose will introduce  her collaborative healing community, Chitari.  Chitari is a non-profit holistic healing center where the worlds of conventional and natural medicine meet to promote wellness of the body and spirit.

The Healing Paradox in Mental Health Treatment – Nov. 20, 2014

The Healing ParadoxJoin us at our November meeting for a presentation by psychiatrist and author, Dr. Steven Goldsmith.

“Treatment that fights disease as an adversary cannot cure mental illness.  Only treatment that accepts and allies with mental illness can help people cure themselves.” Steven Goldsmith, MD, author of The Healing Paradox: A Revolutionary Approach to Treating and Curing Physical and Mental Illness (North Atlantic Books, 2013) will discuss this central paradox as it pertains to mental health treatment, with descriptions of curative paradoxical treatments. Time permitting, he will read from a relevant portion of his book, with audience discussion and questions to follow.

Dr. Goldsmith received his M.D. from the Columbia College of Physicians & Surgeons, is Board-certified in psychiatry, and has been affiliated with the Tufts University, Boston University, and New York University Schools of Medicine.  He maintains a practice In Portland emphasizing natural solutions for health problems.

Natural Healing Approaches for Mental Health – Nov. 20 in Corvallis

Chris Foulke, Emily Wittkop, and Alieta Herrera-Train will speak on nutritional, herbal, and livestyle solutions for mental healing.

Date: Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Time: 6:00 – 7:40 PM
Location: Ronenkamp Hall, Grace Lutheran Church, 435 NW 21st, Corvallis, OR

Click here for more information (PDF)

Portland Hearing Voices – Sept 18, 2013

PortlandHearingVoicesRethinking Psychiatry is pleased to announce that our popular monthly meetings will resume on September 18th!  This meeting will feature guest speaker, Kate Hill, from Portland Hearing Voices.

Hearing Voices is a “voices and extreme states” support group.  Learn how Hearing Voices seeks to help people regain control of their lives and explore the meaning in madness.

Date: Wednesday, September 18, 2013
Time: 7:00 – 9:00 PM
Location: First Unitarian Church,  1011 SW 12th Ave., Portland, OR

Eyes & Ears Newsletter

Connect with mental health advocacy resources

Eyes & Ears is the widest circulated monthly newsletter created by and for persons with a diagnosis of mental illness.  Published for the past 15 years, it contains local and national news, event listings, resources, and stories of accomplishment and hope.

Click here for your free subscription

New Hearing Voices support group

Light of MadnessThe “Light of Madness”, a new Hearing Voices support group has formed in the PSU area.  According to Hearing Voices Facilitator, Casadi “Khaki” Marino,

We maintain a broad view on human experience. Distress and extreme states are seen as expressions of sensitivity, difference, or vulnerability. They are real, meaningful, and connected to life experiences. The more extreme the experience, the more extreme the response may be. An extreme state can be a way of trying to process and make sense of experiences.

Meetings are held Wednesdays, 5:30pm to 7:00pm, just off the main PSU campus on the 9th floor of the Market Street Building at 1600 SW 4th Avenue in Portland.  There is no charge for the meetings.

The group is expressly for individuals who have had mental illness/madness/extreme state experiences. Support people are welcome as needed by the individuals.

For questions and/or to join the Light of Madness email list, contact


Protest ECT – May 24, 2013

ECT protestWhere: Kaiser Sunnyside Hospital
10180 SE Sunnyside Road
Clackamas, OR
When: Saturday, May 24
Time: 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

Join Deborah Schwartzkopff and other ECT survivors protesting this brutal psychiatric treatment. This will be a peacefull protest on the sidewalk near the main hospital entrance. Protest signs will be provided.  Click here for details.