Author Archives: Ron

Second Story Peer Respite House – Oct 5, 2016

Rethinking Psychiatry Presents

Second Story Peer Respite House Santa Cruz, CAPlease join us as Rethinking Psychiatry presents Adrian Bernard, co-founder of Second Story Peer Respite House, for an evening of connection through Madness.

Adrian Bernard

Adrian Bernard

“Second Story (Santa Cruz, CA) offers people a new way to view themselves.  No longer as mentally ill patients, rather, humans empowered by the diversity of their experiences.”

  • What is a peer respite house?
  • What does it take to start one?
  • What does it take to keep it going?

Wednesday, October 5, 2016, 7-9 PM
Unite Oregon, 700 N. Killingsworth St., Portland Oregon

Truth & Reconciliation – May 25, 2016

Truth & Reconciliation on KBOO Radio
On May 25th, Paul Roland of KBOO Radio interviewed Cindi Fisher, Ptery Lieght, & Grace Silvia, the facilitators of Truth & Reconciliation. Click here to listen! (Click the play button at the bottom of the article).
Truth and Reconciliation

The M.O.M.S. Movement, Rethinking Psychiatry,
& The Icarus Project present

Truth & Reconciliation:
A Time for Community Healing

People who have experienced extreme mental / emotional states, & families / allies can share their stories encircled by the community. Come listen… Come tell your story…

When we live in a community where we listen to each other’s true stories, we remember our capacity to lean in and love each other back to wholeness. ~Christina Baldwin

Wednesday, May 25, 2016,   6-9 PM
The Center for Intercultural Organizing
700 N. Killingsworth St., Portland Oregon
Download flyer

For questions or to co-sponsor, contact Cindi Fisher. Phone 360-254-8703 or email TheMOMSmovement @

Coming Off Psych Drugs – April 20, 2016

Rethinking Psychiatry Presents
Daniel Mackler’s acclaimed documentary

Coming Off Psych Drugs: A Meeting of the Minds

In June of 2012, twenty-three people came together to discuss the subject of coming off psychiatric drugs.

 We were psychiatric survivors, therapists, mental health consumers, family members, and activists, united by a passion for truth-telling.

More than half of us had successfully come off psych drugs, including cocktails of antipsychotics and mood stabilizers.

Please join us in our own meeting of the minds, to watch and continue this discussion, with an opportunity to share our own experiences on, off, and coming off of psych drugs.

Click here to view trailer.

projectorWednesday, April 20, 2016
7:00 PM
The Center for Intercultural Organizing
700 N. Killingsworth St., Portland Oregon

Discussion to follow. Download flier here.

Truth & Reconciliation – March 16, 2016

The M.O.M.S. Movement,
Rethinking Psychiatry,
& The Icarus Project

Truth and Reconciliation

Truth & Reconciliation:
A Time for Community Healing

Receivers & givers of psychiatric treatment & mental health care share their stories encircled by the community.  Come listen…  Come tell your story…

When we live in a community where we listen to each other’s true stories, we remember our capacity to lean in and love each other back to wholeness. Christina Baldwin

Wednesday, March 16, 2016,   6 – 9 PM
Download flyer

For questions or to co-sponsor, contact Cindi Fisher. Phone 360-254-8703 or email TheMOMSmovement @

Bipolarized – Feb 17, 2016

Rethinking Psychiatry presents

Rethinking Mental Illness

A film by Rita Kotzia

Bipolarized - Rethinking Mental Illness
The film BIPOLARIZED follows Ross McKenzie as he embarks on a journey to treat his symptoms through alternative treatments and dig up the root cause of his mental breakdown.

  • Winner, Special Jury Award, Health & Wellness, Worldfest International Film Festival.
  • Winner, Certificate for Creative Excellence, U.S. International Film & Video Festival.
  • Winner, Best Feature Documentary, Mad in America Film Festival.

View the trailer at

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Despair & Resilience in Changing Times – Jan 20, 2016

How to Face the Mess We’re in Without Giving Up


Rethinking Psychiatry is pleased to welcome Barbara Ford as guest speaker for our first monthly meeting of 2016.

Barbara Ford shares the film, “Joanna Macy and the Great Turning”.

She will lead discussion and interactive processes on the importance of honoring and supporting our emotional and spiritual responses to the difficult news of the world.

Barbara FordBarbara has been an activist, therapist, facilitator, singer, and artist with over thirty years of experience working with individuals and groups, including faith groups, activists, intentional communities, non-profits, and schools.

Wednesday 7:00 pm  –   January 20, 2016
For those who missed our meeting, or those wanting more information, visit Barbara Ford’s website.

Compassionate Listening Workshop, Jan 9-10, 2016

Compassionate listening

Two days of immersion into the world of listening with and speaking from the heart!

Compassionate Listening Basics Intensive:
Healing Our World from the Inside Out

Presented by Compassionate Listening Oregon

compassionate listening logoSaturday-Sunday, January 9-10, 2016
Oregon Fellowship of Reconciliation
490 19th St NE,  Salem, Oregon

Facilitators: Joanie Levine & Yehudah Winter
Assistant: Christine Gilman

Compassionate Listening teaches how to speak and listen from the heart, without trying to fix the problem, judge the individual, or give advice.  Pre-Register Now!

For more information, click here, or call 503-287-8737.

Mysticism, Madness & Global Justice – Dec 16, 2015

spiritual emergency Sometimes deep transformation can come as mental health crisis…

Join Rethinking Psychiatry for a presentation by Harriet Cooke, MD, MPH on spiritual awakening, spiritual emergency and directing our development for personal and global healing.

Harriet Cooke, MD, MPH

Harriet Cooke, MD, MPH

Drawing on research and personal experiences, Harriet will discuss crises that often precede spiritual awakening, as well as challenges caused by spiritual awakening, and how to support the process and each other.

Wednesday, Dec 16, 7 PM
The Center for Intercultural Organizing
700 N. Killingsworth St
Portland, OR


by Harriet Cooke MD, MPH & Rachel Levy, LCSW

It is dangerous to be right on matters on which the established authorities are wrong.  –Voltaire, 1751

hyperactive girlHyperactivity. Lack of focus. Impulsive behavior. Trouble following rules. Difficulty with organization. Many people believe these are symptoms of a disorder, and that medication is necessary to treat this condition. There is a wide movement of dissent, however, that questions the temptation to lump all people with these behaviors into the same condition.

When do such behaviors constitute a disorder? When is ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) simply ADHB (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Behavior)? And is this behavior even a disorder, or simply a personality type? Or is a product of our culture?

Read complete article

We Survived ADHD Without Drugs! Nov 18, 2015

Rethinking Psychiatry presents Steve McCrea, MS, author and child advocate, for an interactive evening as he shares his journey raising active, intense, challenging children to adulthood.

Steve will provide perspectives based on personal and professional experience (including scientific research) on challenging questions like:

  • What does the research say about ADHD?
  • Is ADHD a mental disorder or are there other ways to understand it?  Which explanations help our children most?
  • Does stimulant treatment make things better or worse in the long term?
  • What else can be done to help active, intense & adventurous children to thrive?

Steve McCrea MSSteve McCrea, MS is an educator, counselor and author with over 30 years of social services experience. He is the father of three boys, two of whom exhibited all the classic symptoms of ADHD. In addition to doing years of literature research into the ADHD phenomenon, Steve helped create the Trillium Charter School, a child-focused K-12 learning environment where his youngest son thrived. Steve is also the author of “Jerk Radar: How to Stop a Bad Relationship Before It Starts,” a practical guide to avoiding abusive relationships.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015, 7 PM
Blazers Boys & Girls Club
5250 NE Martin Luther King Blvd
Portland, OR